A place for my personal musings, about programming, design or whatever come across my mind


I’ve been procrastinating to write the About page for a while, in fact a while is quite an understatement. So I thought perhaps writing a quick list of items about myself could be easier, and here you have it, a list of 20 things about me

  1. Left-Handed. I did a check, seems like lefties only consist of 10% of the world population, so if you are a left-handed too, just give an virtual highfive (with your left hand preferably, 🙂 )
  2. Love doodle. Especially during boring meeting
  3. Speak Mandarin, English, Malay, Cantonese and Hokkien. Not me being especially gifted in languages, it is just very common in Malaysia.
  4. Read, quite a lot. Avid fan of Haruki Murakami.
  5. Hackernews reader.
  6. Liverpool fan. YNWA.
  7. Married with two kids
  8. Fascinated by technology and startup world
  9. Paying too much attention on new shinny things
  10. Like to code. Primarily ruby.
  11. Podcasts addict
  12. Used to run quite a bit, now doing tabata daily for fitness
  13. Penangite
  14. Coffee lover
  15. Used to work as a Barista
  16. Would like to visit Scandinavian, at least once in my lifetime
  17. Of course, watching Liverpool play, at anfield, with my family would be another target
  18. Introvert, mostly
  19. My surname mean Wheat, Weiss beer is my favorite beer. Yeah!
  20. No, not playing pokemon-go

Oh ya, you can contact me by email or check out my Twitter.

Peter Lee
Peter Lee

Shadu! shadu! shadu!

You still maintain the Kek Lok Si website ?

Best regards,
Peter Lee
011-2005 1217


Sorry for the super late response to your question. Not actively maintaining Kek Lok Si Website recently, but do on and off helping out…

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