
Scrum, a pocket guide

If my memory serve me right, this is the very first ebook that I managed to finish reading in years.

That say more about my preference on paperback book than anything else. The feeling of holding, flipping, picking up and putting down a book at any time, is uniquely paperback. Perhaps that could be due to the fact that I haven’t spent long enough time dabbling with kindle. I read ebook in a really old school way, from computer screen.

As this is called a travel companion book, it conveniently come in at only 74 pages. That help in making it a quick read. But the author good writing make sure it is a good read as well. Scrum is explained concisely, and I really like the approachable tone that felt like sharing from the author’s vast experiences. Recommended.

By kahfei

A system admin by day while secretly trying to transform myself to a coding designer or a designing coder at night.

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