Been using paperclip mainly for file attachment in rails application. When there is a need to add in file uploading feature for a small apps in the company, I decided to give carrierwave a spin, just for the sake of trying out a different gem. I mainly refer to carrierwave github site and tutsplus tutorialĂ‚Â […]
Following railstutorial again, to strengthen my rails basic and pick up new shiny things in rails 4. Getting sublime to run test directly is quite awesome, I mean you just need to highlight part of the test you wish to run, cmd + shift + R, boom you got your test result, all without needing […]
As I have found out earlier, images uploaded via paperclip to heroku will go missing after each push of code to heroku. One way to keep images uploaded via paperclip permanent is to use a 3rd party storage service like s3 or keep it on a ftp server. I went for s3, mainly want to […]
No doubt heroku is the greatest thing since sliced bread, with easy deployment and stuff, and it is free to start with. Perfect for stingy developer like me. So I am working on a rails apps, deployed to heroku, with paperclip for image upload. Things work fine, except images I uploaded keep on missing. I […]
I still feel like working with rails in Linux feel easier and faster. What’s with all the homebrew thing in Mac, feel like you have to go through a lot of troubles just to complete something simple. But working with rails in Windows is another story altogether. Initiatives like Railsinstaller and Devkit help a lot […]
Redo the whole process. Clone repo again, bundle install now work right away, as all the prerequisites are there. Instead of running rake tasks separately, which fail previously with long list of errors rake db:create:all rake db:migrate rake db:seedrake db:create:all rake db:migrate rake db:seed I will just do this, which is a shortcut for rake […]
Cloning the repo git clone devtestgit clone devtest Mixtures of errors doing bundle install though First it is capybara Using capybara (1.1.2) Installing capybara-webkit (0.12.1) with native extensions Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.Using capybara (1.1.2) Installing capybara-webkit (0.12.1) with native extensions Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. According […]
I think it was late 2005, my wife used to work really late during those days, 8, 9 even 10pm at night, I have experienced a few even longer wait until 1 or 2 am, literally the next day. Sometimes I use this spare time to finish up my works, but I was still quite […]
This is really useful, as I keep googling it everytime I wanna do this with the rails console… Part.find(:all).each{|p|p.destroy}Part.find(:all).each{|p|p.destroy} Got it from the comment section from this post A much shorter way of doing so, as comment by skim, Part.destroy_allPart.destroy_all
I am developing a little application within instantrails, suppose to work in an intranet environment. The application let user book a part number, by filling some information. For better user experience, I plan to capture the username at the other end that make the booking, instead of creating another layer of login feature and require […]